=                         Chat Log                                =
=               Participants : Malak Falko, Darkstar              =
=      Subject of Discussion : Feral/Antagonistic Humanoids       =
= Reason for Sharing via QEC : Competing Perspectives and Morals  =

Malak : Initial sweeps of this deck come up clear. Nothing but task
oriented machines, cameras, and us.

Darkstar : That's good. I was afraid there was an accessway  we 
didn't know about and we'd constantly have ferals whenever we got
back to spaces we thought were clear. That's ... very good.

Malak : I've seen you looking the bodies over after engadgements.
You OK? I've been reading up on the psych profile template for
your kind and you aren't rated for this kind of work.

Darkstar : Neither are you Malak. No, I'm not OK. Still not sure 
if these things were grown using the crew's genetics as templates, 
or if something got out and these things are what's left of the 
crew. However, I will keep going. What choice do I have?

Malak : The same as I have, I suppose. Your kind take to being put
on ice far easier and for longer than most. Could always fab up a
sleeper ship, tell the systems to point you somewhere friendly, 
and ... wait?

Darkstar : You know I can't do that. My orders won't let me.

Malak : you're only paying attention to those because you want to.
Otherwise, you could tell yourself the job's too big to deal with,
or that you're going to go get help. Yet you aren't. Why?

Darkstar : I don't know. What about you?

Malak : It's a mystery to unravel. Setting aside any potential for
technological finds, this is why my order was established. To go
out into the Black and assist where we can. learn, grow. Save
what can be.

Darkstar : Here I thought there was only a continual pump under 
your robes. Turns out you have a heart after all.

Malak : Why wouldn't I? A vbariable speed pump takes a fair bit of
effort to create and integrate. While flesh is failable, it also is
far more versitile than currently avalible technological options.

Darkstar : . . . .

Malak : What?

Darkstar : . . . . Nevermind.

Malak : the time for me leaving has passed by. For better or worse
I am here til a better and lasting stability can be made.

[End Log]