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After  finding the  strange crystal  on Alpha  Centauri, our
research on making more efficient fuel had turned to a whole
new path.  During our research,  we lost Dr.  Onestone. That
day, we saw a strong flash of light inside the lab, and when
we got there, she had disappeared. Dr. Onestone was not just
a  brilliant scientist  but also  a mentor  and friend.  Her
disappearance left  a void in our  hearts as well as  in and
our research. Since then, I had been leading the research on
the crystals.

Yesterday,  We  lost  Ron.  Exactly  the  same  way  as  Dr.
Onestone. While cleaning the lab,  somebody found a piece of
“substance 3o14”  just below the Crystal  Densener. 3o14
was one of  the substances which we  had entirely decomposed
making fuels and never got the resources to produce more. It
had been years since we had seen  3o14, so it is fair to say
that 3o14 was completely extinct,  at least in our lab where
we had been working our entire life.

When  we examined  it  with a  string  microscope, a  device
capable of visualizing subatomic particles, we found that it
was encoded with Data Matrix  Code. It felt like an eternity
as we waited for the code  to be fully decoded. Every second
was  filled  with  anxious anticipation,  knowing  that  the
message had  the capacity  to change everything.  That small
piece of 3o14 had so much  information in it that it took us
an entire  Proxima Centauri B  day equivalent to  11.2 earth
days to decode and understand it.

We were shocked when we found  out that the message was from
Dr. Onestone, but from the universe where during testing the
crystal turned into a wormhole and sucked me in instead. The
message had  instructions to make an  interdimensional space
capsule which  they could  not build because  they exhausted
the crystal while researching and performing tests on it.

First, nobody believed us, but since we verified that is was
actually 3o14 which we were  dealing with, it was a miracle.
As  instructed  in  the  message, we  started  building  the
capsule. It took our crew  6 years; half of Proxima Centauri
B year to build a prototype.

Multiverse was  a myth till  yesterday, but today we  are on
the verge of  'The Multiversal Era'. All that is  left is to
test if our capsule actually works.

> Date: 2021-08-18